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We are open until 13:00 on Monday 24-12 and 31-12

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Truckwash N201
Sign up as a customer

Sign up as a customer

As an interested customer, we ask you to read the following carefully.

If you want to wash on our account, the following guidelines apply below.

We need to be in possession of your company details beforehand.

  • After your registration form has arrived with us and a customer number has been assigned to you, the washing on account is possible.
  • You can only be washed on an account by direct debit, or else if you have agreed.
  • We invoice every week.
  • Each invoice contains a detail page with registration number, date, time, and possibly fleet and / or order numbers.
  • If you want to pay in cash or with a debit card, please inform our staff in advance.

Below you will find the registration forms, which you can fill in completely and send so that we can process your data immediately.

We thank you in advance for your registration.

Truckwash N201 logo
Truckwash N201

I want invoices:

Want to pay by direct debit:


Opening hours

Openingstijden tekst

Onze openingstijden:

Ma t/m Za08:00 - 18:00


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Truckwash N201

Social media

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Zijdelweg 23
1187 ZM Amstelveen
0297 - 329706
KvK 33171153
BTW NL006381777B01
Zijdelweg 23
1187 ZM Amstelveen
0297 - 380944
KvK 54336686
BTW NL851264220B01
Zijdelweg 23
1187 ZM Amstelveen
0297 - 380946
KvK 62593765
BTW NL854879596B01
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